I have been following your blog for long time now, and suddenly I can not see your pictures, I just think is wired since your blog is the only blog were I have this problem.
I would just let you know, maybe I am not the only one with this problem.
Hej fra Maja B
April 28, 2011 at 07:10
– In reply to: Maja Bang
oh thats to bad. Which browser do you use? And is it only on my (isabelles post or also at Jennys)
thank you!
tack julia vi ska kolla detta
April 28, 2011 at 03:55
Jag kan inte heller se bilderna. :(
Nina O
April 28, 2011 at 08:27
Vill bara berätta att jag ser bilderna… Skumt. Teknikens under…
April 28, 2011 at 09:36
I can’t see the pictures either… Or to be more exact, I guess the first one is never visible, but sometimes the ones that follow (e.g. in Jennys post about Harry’s kitchen I could see the rest). It’s happens in both your’s and Jenny’s posts and the browser I use is Safari. I hope you can fix it, because I really like your blog ;o)
Greetings from Hamburg
April 28, 2011 at 10:50
oh – how nice of him! and so casual, without pants. he must really feel at home with you :-)
April 28, 2011 at 10:58
Oh, now I can see him, too! ;) !(But the first picture of Harry’s kitchen is still invisible)
Jenny: This is so wierd! We will try to fix this.
April 28, 2011 at 14:09
Åh! Han har verkligen maskulina ben, Sir Elton!
Hahaha …
Maja Bang
April 28, 2011 at 17:56
Hello again!
It is both you and jenny ´s picture I can´t see… but there are some of pictures I can see…wired!
I use safari browser…
//Maja B
April 29, 2011 at 08:05
Wow, tog han sig tid att komma förbi, som ett slags genrep till dagens bröllop kanske?
April 29, 2011 at 16:29
– In reply to: enannanhelena
Sir elton was very generous. I am so gratful of his precense!
We are looking into Whats causing the photos not showing.
Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.
Hi Isabelle and Jenny
I have been following your blog for long time now, and suddenly I can not see your pictures, I just think is wired since your blog is the only blog were I have this problem.
I would just let you know, maybe I am not the only one with this problem.
Hej fra Maja B
oh thats to bad. Which browser do you use? And is it only on my (isabelles post or also at Jennys)
thank you!
tack julia vi ska kolla detta
Jag kan inte heller se bilderna. :(
Vill bara berätta att jag ser bilderna… Skumt. Teknikens under…
I can’t see the pictures either… Or to be more exact, I guess the first one is never visible, but sometimes the ones that follow (e.g. in Jennys post about Harry’s kitchen I could see the rest). It’s happens in both your’s and Jenny’s posts and the browser I use is Safari. I hope you can fix it, because I really like your blog ;o)
Greetings from Hamburg
oh – how nice of him! and so casual, without pants. he must really feel at home with you :-)
Oh, now I can see him, too! ;) !(But the first picture of Harry’s kitchen is still invisible)
Jenny: This is so wierd! We will try to fix this.
Åh! Han har verkligen maskulina ben, Sir Elton!
Hahaha …
Hello again!
It is both you and jenny ´s picture I can´t see… but there are some of pictures I can see…wired!
I use safari browser…
//Maja B
Wow, tog han sig tid att komma förbi, som ett slags genrep till dagens bröllop kanske?
Sir elton was very generous. I am so gratful of his precense!
We are looking into Whats causing the photos not showing.