Isabelle’s family is moving to Bali for a year – tag along for the adventure!
Swimming every day – yay!
Yeah, we finally made the decision.
Got a kind of momentum and acted on it.
So in August we leave for at least a year to go and live in Bali!
Hanging on the beach after a 2 hour surf lesson.
I always think of all the different lives you can live. Not so much that I’m not happy with what I’ve got but more of a seeker in the development of what happens if I’m not to comfortable. And also we only got one life – better try different ways of living.
I also really want my kids to explore different things. To be able to handle different cultures, languages and people. I’ve lived in Belgium for a couple of years, almost a year traveling around South America and longer stays in both in the Us and Thailand. I think my longing for going places is heavier than for my husband but still. For lots of years we’ve been talking about where we could go and how.
We are both self employed and without a chance of really getting a job in a firm somewhere abroad I mean as some people we know that do a couple of years abroad have a connection via their company that has branches over the world. And we are not in finance ie. my bank account is not huge. Nor do I have a loaded family. I’ve run my company for 22 years now. And pretty much made decisions for it to be able to get as much free time as possible. To have long vacations and freedom to do fun jobs. Some may say this is why it is easier for us to leave – I say – I don’t think so. There is always a uncertainness in freelancing so yes – to that I’m used to the uncertainness. But in one way it’s also hard cause I don’t have anything certain to come back to.

Anyways more about this later.
Whether or not doing a trip like this we needed a tipping point. Something that had to make sense. And when we heard about Green School in Bali that our friends the Jansch familes’s kids started last fall – that I wrote about here we kind of made up our minds.
Last summer when they talked about it we got an idea to visit Bali to do some research. None of us had been there before. It is on the other side of the world. I kind of started watching Eat Pray Love to get some idea. (haha I know stupid).

In November we went there for 10 days to check out the island and the school. (I will post more images from this trip soon!) and since then we’ve been taking steps to make this happen. End of July we´ll be leaving!

Right now there are about a million small things to fix. The kids was accepted at school. We need to put our apartment up for rent, fix insurances (such a jungle) and find solution to so many small thing you never think about. (What to do about our mobile phone contracts, the news paper, the kids school, work, or cat – where will he stay? etc etc etc
But I do hope this adventure will bring us closer as a family.
I’m thinking I’ll write about it here but also on Instagram thinking I’ll hashtag it #mcallistersgoesbali. Hope you’d like to follow our adventure!

It feels a bit crazy going so long to a new country that we’ve only visited 10 days. Maybe it’s a mid life crisis. Haha who knows but I’m thinking everything is still going to be here. And we can always go home. How lucky that is!

I do feel jittery thinking about exploring Indonesia, Bali and Asia.

For us to meet new people and make new kind of friends.

And learn about other cultures. Well I guess I’ll be yapping alot about this in the future! Hope that’s gonna be ok for you 2!

Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.
Fantastiskt äventyr och jag gläds med er såååå mkt men jag lider redan av svår separationsångest. Nästan fysiskt. Puss min finaste – hur ska jag klara mig? ❤️
Jag vet inte hur jag ska klara mig heller
Åh så spännande! Vi gör samma sak, fast vi flyttar till Spanien istället! Så många förberedelser… bara att rensa lägenheten inför uthyrning känns som ett jätteprojekt. Jag ska följa er, stort lycka till!!!
Åh så kul för er! Ja spännande minst sagt. Och håller med rensa lägenheten känns ju galet jobbigt!
Kommer bli cooooolt
Ja Jenny extra coolt när du kommer och hälsar på ju!
Vad spännande! Man lever (troligtvis…) bara en gång så det gäller att leva det fullt ut. Vi ska också flytta utomlands och blogga om det så jag kommer definitivt följa er resa. Även om den är helt olik vår så har vi ändå liknande utmaningar både inför och på plats.
Eller hur gäller att passa på! Heja er!
Wooohoooo!!! How wonderful! Welcome:)
Yay! Bali crew life! Looking forward to it
Läser och får gåshud på hela kroppen. Man är sin egen arkitekt i livet och det ni gör är verkligen modigt och inspirerande. Ser fram emot att följa er på äventyret. Det störta steget är taget…
Ja första steget men efter att ha skrivit om det här
Blev jag nervös igen haha. Tack för pepp
Yaaaaaayyyyyy! Gud vad kul att ni fick till det! Ser fram emot att få följa med på äventyret, hoppas på att det kommer uppdateringar därifrån på bloggen!! Underbart att ni testar nåt annat, nån helt annanstans och Bali är ju inte så pjåkigt… Midlife crises är en gåva att ta vara på <3
Ja eller hur! Mig life crisis ftw kanske. Hehe. Hopps ha mer tid för att uppdatera än vad jag har just nu. Xxx
Happy adventures! I lived in Papua New Guinea for three years as a child and teenager – it was the most valuable gift I received from my parents. I’m a different and I think better person for it.
Oh glad to hear that. The kids Have mixed feelings about going butI truly believe its going to be a Good thing in the end!
Wauw so exiting! Wishing you guys all the luck! xxx
Pernilla Wahlgren s kompis Jennifer har just flyttat till bali. Du kan bolla med henne om du har några frågor. Gå in på Pernilla Wahlgren s hemsida där hittar du länk till bloggen för kompisen.
Haha ja det är just den Jansch familjen som jag skriver om. Hon är min kompis med! Sök på Jennifer jansch här i bloggen så ser du massor från hennes fina hus och lägga
Wow, Isabelle! What an adventure. I think you are very brave, I know about uncertainty with freelance, but I think this is a wonderful opportunity and view you have about the world. I can’t wait to live vicariously through you and your family. Also, this school sounds like a dream.
Judging by these stunning photos you are having a great time!