Jenny and Jens´Studio


We are thrilled with our studio. It was a long process getting it built but now I can´t see how we managed without it.
Before the studio we had all our work in our house. Boxes of inventories in the livingroom, computer and drawing boards on the dinnertable. Stacks of paper and ideas under our bed. Now we can keep it seperate. It´s so nice. I´ve started hanging our prints there too. ( Lost Cat and This Is Art )


1 Comment

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Maren Ingeborg Gråblomst
April 5, 2016 at 09:56

Det ser så deilig ut å ha den plassen! Jeg gleder meg til vi flytter jobben ut i uthuset i løpet av sommeren også :) Råkul flamingo forresten! Og en ting til: har det kommet opp noe tapet på soverommet enda? Gleder meg…