Hey there!
Here´s a quick update from our house:
I´ve finally bought a remote for my camera, so I don´t have to run back and forth hitting the timer to take my own picture. Now I can simply sit and relax, as in the picture above, and hit the remote from there.
It´s Jens birthday today. We gave him a coffee cup, a new mailbox (ours´s been a wreck for years) , a roasting pan for the oven and some perfume.
Also I ordered groceries online for the first time with home delivery. It worked out so great, I can´t stand going grocery shopping so this might be the thing for me.
With that said I do need to pay more attention when it comes to the number of items I put in that online cart. I realized this as the delivery guy handed me: one apple, one banana and 40 roles of toilet paper.
Jens is having so much fun with this and keeps playing out this scene infront of me, giving me the roles just like DJ Khaled hands out the stacks of bills…
Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.
sluta va fin bild! sen ba…ahahahha, ett äpple, en banan
i worked out great. Hahaha skrattar fortfarande puss
hah, så bra!