From the archive – Advent calendar DIY

I made this advent calendar a couple a years ago for the Swedish Morning show- Nyhetsmorgon. It’s a rather simple one but I like it!
You need a saw,a hammer, some nails and wood, branches or whatever  you can lay your hands on – I even used an old shaft from a brush. I think it’s nice with some patina.


Then I simply nailed the different branches onto the wooden plank at the bottom and made it look as the shape of a tree. You can fill the small parcels with socks, underwear, lego, books, jewelry, candy, a small puzzle, cinema tickets… The kids loved it!


I did the star with some paper straws and washi tape.

Watch me making the tree right here in Nyhetsmorgon:
PArt 1
PArt 2
PArt 3
