A scary basement, Christmas carrols and obnoxious “do-gooders”


Hello Friday!
Here are some random things that has kept us occupied this week.

1. I´ve cleaned out several boxes of clothes from my basement. Dresses, costumes and hats that I´ve bought as props over the years. Before now I haven´t had room for them but thanks to the studio now I do.
They smell awful from my damp basement though so I´vet washed some and let others out for air. Like the little tutu above.

2. Jens has a new art work for Axtone records (staring Viola) out now. You can see it here and also download it as a wallpaper for you computer or phone.

3. I´m on Snapchat! yay! so much fun, it´s like what Instagram used to be. My username is jennydosfamily

4. My kids are busy making scary sounds with this Halloween Haunted House app

5. Some very pompous and obnoxious “do gooders” in the funny sketch “Doggy Daycare from Inside Amy Schumer. Go watch it.

6. For Swedes: I´ve heard from reliable sources that Peter Grönlund´s movie “Tjuvheder” is really good. Out now in theaters in Sweden. Go watch it.

7. I´ve started playing Christmas song by Bing Crosby already. Yep, you heard me right, I´m such a rebel.

8. Here you can see some of my past Halloween posts.

9. Lastly The Mount Everest of insane 70´s italian moviesthe trailer to “The visitor” (perhaps the nicest trailer ever)

When Jens found me this movie he said:
Jenny this movie has everything that you like plus it´s from 1979, your birth year Honey!”

It´s perfect for Halloween.

Have a nice weekend.


Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.

October 23, 2015 at 09:06

Hej Jenny. du som ‘är lite av ett geni- Jag står här och vill karva pumpor lite unikt men har hjärnstillestånd. Har du tips? Om du skulle kunna lägga in bilder ifall du gör nåt så att sinnena triggas lite…

Förresten. Jag har ett skitbra tips till dig!
Om man som jag, är tokig i märkesvaror och kvalitet, finns det en undersökningssite, där man gör undersökningar som man får betalt för i form av poäng som man sedan kan shoppa för. Allt från Kay Boyesen till KitchenAid produkter finns. Perfekt för såna som mig som inte riktigt har råd att köpa sånt annars. Prylarna man plockar ut blir alltså helt gratis! Jag hittade länken här. Där står all info man behöver veta. http://goo.gl/BepLJk

October 23, 2015 at 12:21

alltså, WOW! prövar terapin direkt, skall skutta upp och bädda sängen bara för att testa :)

å så, skulle jag ge vad som, för att dyka ner i dina unkna källarlådor och rota runt…jäklar.
inser att jag sitter förlite framför datorn osv.


October 23, 2015 at 16:02

Really nice photo of tutu. Can mean anything or nothing. Love it.

Jenny Brandt
October 27, 2015 at 08:34
– In reply to: Ruth

Oh Thank you Ruth.
I feel the same way.

October 23, 2015 at 22:07

❤️ Happy Halloween!