Something for the pain
I´m in a terrible mood today, desperate for something to pick me up I´ve gathered some uplifting videos from youtube
Here goes.
This little dance video always makes me smile.
I know I´ve said this so many times before. But here goes again: If I were a man this is how I would like to look and move. OMG those first 14 seconds… lord have mercy. (and then again at 2,09 gaaaaaaagaaaaaaaaaa)
Viola loves this video. Such a great beat. UPDATE: I was too upset to write much yesterday and now I feel that this clip deserves more text: Viola thinks that life in general should be a lot more like this. I for one have promised myself to do the pose on 3,23 several times today.
I´m crazy about this adorable girl who really likes cat.
A world that can make a scene as well put together as this one can´t be all bad. Drew I love you.
I´ll leave you with this video that Jens made for Hard Rock Sofa. It´s short but catchy.
Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.
Oh boy, do I know how you feel!
Wish I’d seen this post a little earlier today, those Benny Hill Goths are the best!
I hope you already felt a bit less gloomy today. If not I have this nice video in return:
(And yes, this was my exact same reaction to that devastating news.)
oh thank you herma!
This is too funny.
Tack! Igår var jag för deppig för att göra nåt. Idag ska jag se donnie darko.
den är så sabla bra
Now I have to watch Donnie Darko!! Hugs!
Yes you should. Donnie and gretchen are so lovely
Haha jag har inte sett kattvideon innan. Hahah fan vad bra. Och gotharna haha och Queen jaa qaaaah mums.
Saknar tv from jenny och jens
hon är så söt. vill krama alla katter. det är från början en dating-site-video.