DosFamily Deco- Jenny´s own Kitchen makeover
Found some photos from when stylist Kicki Wieslander and I photographed my kitchen last year. And I realized I havent shown it here. When we moved into our house the kitchen was only a few years old and even though it was not our style we decided to keep it, but paint it. Changing the cabinets would be nothing but a waste. Before it was a country -styled-IKEA kitchen. Now it is a candy- styled- IKEA kitchen. My father , the car painter, gave all the fronts a pink coat of paint in his garage.
Since we have a lot of toys we want to have on display we added a shelf on the kitchen wall that we also painted.
Wooden candle holders found on fleamarkets transformed with Montana Gold spray paint. Same shades as for the cabinet knobs.
We painted the walls white and the floor grey then we added some pink. My friend Morris and Kicki´s dog Mattis came to model for us.Above is a pic from before the house was ours. We have moved things around as you can see. The island in the middle was moved over to the window and we added som more countertops. And since we took the pictures we´ve added some more cabinets. The rearranging in this house is a never ending story. But it is always done with a tiny budget- just the way I like it.
INFO: Poster from Tivoli in Copenhagen. Moon poster Fur Neil. Montana Gold Spray paint (PARIS, BANANA, PATINA, COCTAIL) for the candle holders and kitchen knobs from ITSDESIGN . The tin cans are from Kombino amöbel, Speakers (yes we have music in every room) called Micropod. Rat from Karel Becvar. Pillow Spalsh from Fine Little Day and Miss Kitty. Everything else is probably from a flamarket.
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Hej Jenny! Jag tänker i samma bana som du vad det gäller att göra om kök och är väldigt sugen på att måla befintliga ikea – köks luckor.. Har en fråga där när du nu har ett sådant superproffs till pappa! Vad ska man ha för färg, hur ska luckorna målas för att färgen ska vara hållbar för vattenspill o annat köksdreggel…? :) super duper fint kök har ni!
I really like your kitchen, especially the mouse!
Such a warm, fun and playful space. I love it and like the rat, too. Always fun to have a company while cooking!
I love your kitchen! Most of all the Tivoli poster – where did you get it? :)
Thanks. Its from tivoli in copenhagen.
Så fint, underbart med rosa. Själv försöker jag hålla min rosa ådra lite i schack så att inte allt här hemma blir rosa. Men det är svårt,det finns nog ingen annan färg som gifter sig så bra med andra färger. /Sanna
Så fint och inspirerande
Oh man! I love that Moon with the mustache poster!! Super cute!