The Royal Family and a douche-bag




Okay I know we mostly have non Swedish residents reading this blog. And you´re probably not visiting this blog to get the latest dish on Swedish politics.  But I just have to show you this picture. It is too funny.
A far-right anti-immigration political party called “the Sweden democrats” and their leader Jimmie Åkesson has gained some ground here in Sweden. This is of course very disturbing and frankly it pisses me off. Hopefully they will be kicked out of the government next election, fall 2014. Fingers and toes crossed. Until then lets enjoy this photo.

I found this picture today via Lady Dahmer. It shows Sweden´s royal family and the required photo of them posing with all the different political leaders in our government. In the bottom picture they are posing with Håkan Juholt the former leader of one of Sweden’s biggest parties “the Swedish Social Democratic Party.” It seems like a pretty good time meeting him. –“Sure it was fine. We all think everyone is created equal and should have the same rights” that kind of vibe. Right?

And then the top photo is with this far-right, racist douche-bag Jimmie Åkesson I was telling you about. He looks quite pleased.
However it seems the king, queen, princess and her husband have trouble enjoying this photo.

Hahah I love it!




Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.

Isabelle McAllister
February 26, 2014 at 00:04

Yeah let’s cross our finger and toes for getting them out of parliament. Did you see this interview with a colleague of Jimmy’s?

February 26, 2014 at 13:21

Haha, fantastiskt!

February 28, 2014 at 04:18

Haha, tittar som så ofta in här strax innan jag ska sova – även om det kan vara vid väldigt olika tider på dygnet, beroende på jobb och annat. Och kan inte låta bli att skratta jag heller. Åt fotot alltså.

Han – partiledaren överst – var i vår lilla textila stad för bara någon dag sedan. Textileleverna gjorde sitt bästa och tryckte stora antirasistiska plakat mot fönsterrutorna som Åkesson stod på insidan av. Och han stod väl där och lyssnade alldeles snällt?! till historien om vår stad. Hur textilindustrin aldrig hade kunnat börja blomstra här, så som den gjorde – utan all arbetskraftsinvandring…

Fingers and toes som sagt Jenny. Fingers and toes.


March 2, 2014 at 14:47
– In reply to: enannanhelena

På samma tema kan man ju fundera på vad kungafamiljen tänker att Åkesson tänker om att alla utom kungen har invandrarbakgrund?

March 7, 2014 at 01:38

Haha, this is hilarious! As a US resident, it’s sometimes hard to remember that European countries can have smarmy politicians, too!

Dosfamily somehow fell off my reader following the demise of Google Reader (RIP). I just realized and added you back to my Reader-good to be keeping up with your posts again!

I am coming to Scandinavia for the first time this summer, so I’m excited to get a sneak peek of the cool culture through you guys!

Jenny Brandt
March 7, 2014 at 09:19
– In reply to: tamara


I´m so glad you are back!!!
Thank you for your comment. Enjoy Scandinavia!

Jessica Sagré
March 7, 2014 at 14:25

Haha, ja det var roligt, och det lilla avståndet mellan dem, Jimmie Åkesson ser lite ensam och vilsen ut!