Make it happen!
Remember how Viola was telling me how she really wanted a pet? Well as you can see her dream has now come true. And since it has no fur my allergies won’t be a problem.
I hope you´ll have a “make-it-happen”-kind of weekend too.
PS: We´ve just realized how many pins there are on Pinterest linking back to us. And we want to give you all a BIG thank you for doing that. You see, the credits given back to us means so much. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
And starting today you can find us on
Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.
oh my!
oh. följare nr 2!
Tack lotta! Skönt. Såg så ensamt ut.
Please tell me you photoshopped this. Otherwise I’m afraid I’ll be on the quest for that/my giant little pony for the rest of my (and my daughters) life.
men åh. är den på riktigt eller bara riktigt snyggt p-shoppad. hursom en väldigt fin bild! såklart man följer en favvoblogg även på pinterest. jag har för mig att jag lagt upp carl där.
Åh! Vi skulle kunna döda för att få ha en Apple Jack här hemma. Lyllo er!!!
OHH MY GOD! where to buy that beautyfull My (large) pony??
my daughter would be the happiest child on earth if that was under the christmas tree!
cool..we look after it when you are going on holidays
I saw your post about the beautiful doily decoration and would love to get the directions on how to make it…I am not having any luck finding it on this website. Thank you for pinning it for all of us to enjoy.
Åh, jag lovar att min systerdotter hade blivit överlycklig om hon hade kunnat få en sån stor My little pony!
Kram Malin
Oh my gosh, where is that pony from?! I want one!
Hej. Jag har lånat bilden till min blogg och länkat till shoppen. Hoppas det är ok, annars får du/ni säga till så tar jag bort den.. Jag måste liksom få min karl att fatta vart han ska köpa mina julklappar.. man kan aldrig vara tydlig nog.
Tack för en trevlig blogg. VH Jenny
Jenny svarar. Hhaah bra plan. Tackar för länkningen, det betyder massor. Tack och God Jul /Jenny
For the past month I have been searching for where I could buy a life sized my little pony JUST like this. Could you please tell me where I could possibly purchase one?