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  • A Room with a view

    I’m on the move again! Now in great Chamonix in france for some skiing & work. Lucky me! Yesterday was perfect weather so at the end of the day we took some rather crazy cable cars up to 3800 meters and paid a visit to miss Mont Blanc. There I found this marvelous window! Xxx Isabelle At the back the round tip- thats Mont Blanc

  • Mexico part 4 – Signs, colors and facades

    There is nothing beating travels as seeing colors in different ways. And how it’s being used differently. I really felt like I went into an old black/white movie when coming back to Sweden. Not only because the darkness here at the moment, but also that most of us Swedes use dark coats during winter (more practical ya know) but also because the light reflect differently here up north.   I…

  • Mexico part 3 – the wrestlers

    I always had a thing for the wrestlers. And with all these incredible masks – I mean who wouldn’t? These guys came in a big pack with 12 of them. Badly made plastic toys. Actually found the whole story on the net. Toys from the past- Luchadores Mexicanos I so regret NOT buying this kind’a shrine to the wrestling Gods. Amazing piece of work and art. But it cost a…