Friday I’m in love

Another week has flown by. Right now I’m preparing a birthday bash for my little boy. He is going to be 3 on Sunday – crazybananas. I couple of days ago one of my dearest friends Blenda got her third kid – Hurray! I still don’t get it how it all works. I’m all in that mood today -went to a kind of Christmas party yesterday and now my brain is kind of slow and I’m a bit weepy about the wonders of life.

Anyways – I love the store Fish Eddy on Broadway in New York. Wanted to buy everything. I really have a thing for china dunno why but I just love it. On the pink plate you can see my wedding band. It broke -but do you remember when it disappeared and I found it in a crazy place? Read the fantastic story here.

Some tips:
I have the honor to work with very talented Åsa Hammarström igen. Check out her work here.

Found this tumblr with great images from Shanghai.

Sometimes good to get a reality check and read these very touching and hard stories about cancer.
Fuck Cancer bracelets to buy here– great xmas gift.

I think I’m buying this alarm clock for my kids and learning them the huge difference between 05.00 – 07.00. The 0500 waking up is making me crazy.

Blogs I like:
Emi 1 and Emi 2 and Anna’s.

Get out there make a snow angel, say something nice to a stranger and dance a little -always good for the spirit!
Have a bon weekend!



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December 14, 2012 at 13:30
