one day in Malmö

Early bird I took a cab to the airport to go down south to Malmö. I don’t like flying or actually I am afraid of getting afraid. Of loosing it. When I fly alot it’s better but now it’s been a while so then I am more tense.

I wish I had a more Top Gunish attitude about it all. Since it looks so cool I also wanna feel cool.

It went ok. Mostly it does. And I got there safe as well.
Then I almost missed stepping out of the plane since I was so into the last Hunger Game book. Now I am suffering from withdrawal syndrome, my head is still in Panem.
But I started on this book now. It could be a good follow up (oh no when I looked up the link for you I realized it’s a trilogy. Are all books three with a wait in between nowadays?)

Jenny picked me up at the airport. Felt like the ending in Love Actually. We drove into town. we like driving around in cars. I think we have to do a road trip together. Maybe trough the states – a classic road trip. What would you recommend?

Our plan was to sit in a café all day and work and talk. We got recommended the Djäkne coffe Bar. I liked the way the build the bar with only lots of studs. The tables was the same way.

We posted a note on the blog about coming and visiting us, some of you where to shy (next time please come and say hi – we won’t bite) but Jonk who is our computer whiz kid popped by. Great!

It was so much fun just sitting, talking, surfing and laughing. Oh I wish we lived closer to each other it would be so much fun. But it’s a cool this way as well – being internetbuddies and doing stuff together when we can. I guess Jenny would go nuts if I lived too close and wanted to hang out all the time. She needs her house and family alone in the country side.

This hour we actually hit town. Bought some stuff at Tiger and ate a pasta. I really like Malmö – such a great town! We never seem to be able to take a good photo with us together though.

Jenny drove me to Slagthuset where I was giving a talk at a dental convention. We said goodbye and I showed her my new dress IRL – now you really can see the beautiful color of it!
And this tune pops in my head.


On stage. I forgot to ask someone for a photo. Just before I parted ways with Jenny she gave me this tip about this Star Trek Dental clinic in the states. Such a great tip – thanks!

The show is over for this time. It was really fun. Great to be in the dental world for a day and look at all the crazy machines and hear people talk about another reality that isn’t mine. My talk was about how you can design your dream clinic and I tried to give them some new ideas and inspiration.

I don’t know if it is all the spring light, all my night staying up too late reading or just me getting old. But all it takes is one glass of Champagne and my head spins like a roller coaster. Or I would say – things simply get out of hands…

Waiting for the cab. A great day is slowly coming to an end. The sun has come out but it’s freezing cold. I thought winter was over?

At the airport I am reflecting about my day. I really liked the light fixtures at the coffe bar.

Back in Stockholm again. I sat next to a interesting man in the airplane. He told me alot about his life. He was 48 and really wanted kids but didn’t know how. He was thinking about writing a book about it. I told him – Go for it!
I hope he will. Both get the kids and write a book about it!






Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.

April 3, 2012 at 13:19

Hej! Isabelle,
Jag är också så satans flygrädd, eller var, nu går det bättre! skall snart iväg med flyg och tänkte fördriva 11 timmar med en bok…hungerspelen kanske? tack för tips!

April 3, 2012 at 21:35

Hurra för en bild i timmen, superfint!

Lena K.
April 4, 2012 at 06:04

This sounds like a busy, fun day! (And a useful post, too, as I hope to visit Malmö when I go to Scandinavia in a summer or two and now I have some more ideas of shops and places to see.) I actually love going to the dentist so attending that talk would have been right up my alley. ;-)

I hope you *do* go on a road trip through the States!! I’m sure you have many readers who would love to meet you in person and show you around their home-towns, for starters. What kinds of places and things would you want to see? I could give some recommendations for places but it all depends on what you’re looking for. :-) If you like trains, you could also consider going (part of the way) by Amtrak, the national rail service, or even by Greyhound bus. (*Always* an adventure and not really bad at all!)

April 4, 2012 at 12:47

Rolig dag du/ni verkar ha haft. Jag var också i Malmö över dagen i torsdags. Vi missade er med en halvtimme eller så, var på väg att säga hej men vi took our time. Du vet hur det är med barn och lunch och toabesök och påklädning och trugning och allt sånt. Min femåring hade gillat att hälsa i alla fall. Hon missar inte ett Fixa rummet och undrar så när du kommer hem till henne. Och att I love TV är hennes favvotisha har jag redan berättat.

Ha en fin påsk Jenny & Isabelle! Ni är så bra!

Jenny Brandt
April 4, 2012 at 17:27

Så kul det var! Vi tar en repiris i Stockholm om ett par veckor.

Isabelle McAllister
April 4, 2012 at 22:01

Pippilotta- do the hunger games- you wont regret it!
Emilia- tack! älskar din lilla avatar!
Lena k – oh we will do. someday – then I get back to you
Emma nästa gång då ses vi!
Oh ja Jenny – klart vi hänger snart. ser redan fram emot det!